Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas Celebration

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a blast like me hohoho..
We celebrated christmas eve with bro & sis-law. Caught Mission Impossible 4 before heading to Brewerkz. Nice show though Tom cruise aged quite abit over these years.

Me & Boyf                                     Bro & Sis-in-law

Headed down to Brewerkz after movie as they only allow reservation before 8pm.

The men and their booze!

Buffalo wings

Onion Rings
Margarita and beer

We did draw lots for the Mini gifts exchange :)

Christmas pressie!

Awesome company for the christmas eve but i was alittle disappointed that no one in the restaurant actually bothered when the clock strikes 12! No cheering, countdown, festival mood at all, dull and boring place i would say 


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