Saturday 19 November 2011

Road Trips- Desaru/Melaka/Portdickson & SITC Labels

After the malacca trip earlier this year, we got so into roadtrip! And had accomplished our 4.5hours drive to Port Dickson during public holiday last week after our Desaru trip. Too bad bro n sil can't join us to Port Dickson but we are planning another one in CNY to Cherating! Somewhere even further, can't wait!

Malacca (April)
Hotel Equatorial

The weather kills

 Chicken Rice Balls

A&W Rootbeer float, our saviour

Source code x 4s

Night view from our hotel room


Desaru (Oct)
Lotus Desaru Beach Resort

So excited! haha


Taken by SIL, can u spot the cupid/bear?

Rhu bar

Nice beach

Parasailing, we didn't get to try this time instead we did our virgin jet-ski! So fun and exciting!

Lunch! Tandoori Chicken and Hawaii Pizza! Yummeh

Back to our room for some dessert and card games! The kit-kat ice cream is <3

Firefly Tour but didn't manage to take any pics of the fireflies as it was way too dark to capture anything.


Port Dickson Avillion Admiral Cove Resort (Nov)

Enjoying the morning breeze

View from our room

Strait Studio- Not that fantastic but nice view

Stopped by this BKT stall to fill up our tummies! It was so packed with customers. Worth try!

Decided to drop by Malacca before we continue our journey back to Sg. Bad choice! Super bad traffic and we were so tired by the time we reach malacca!

Dec will be a busy month for SITC, photoshooting and some major revamps! Look forward <3<3 AND we had received our labels! Super love


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